速報APP / 運動 / Surface Air Consumption

Surface Air Consumption





版本需求:Android 6.0 以上版本



Surface Air Consumption(圖1)-速報App

Surface Air Consumption (SAC)is calculated based on your air consumption, average depth, and time underwater. If you do not supply a tank volume and pressure, default values of an 80 cubic foot tank at 3,000 psi are used. To use the calculated SAC, you must use the same size tank for planned dives.

Surface Air Consumption(圖2)-速報App

Respiratory Minute Volume (RMV)is a tank independent value. You can use this value with any size tank.

Surface Air Consumption(圖3)-速報App

Once you have SAC and RMV values, you can plan future dives by simply changing the average depth and clicking the Dive Time button.

Surface Air Consumption(圖4)-速報App

Dive Time calculates your dive time based on the supplied SAC and RMV values. If the user does not supply an air value, 2500 psi is assumed. Dive time is calculated using RMV if supplied, otherwise it uses the SAC rate.

Units can be changed from Imperial to Metric by using the psi/bar button. It switches the unit of measure between pounds per square inch and bar.